
Brief History of the Casino Chips

Brief History of the Casino Chips Nowdays we can’t even imagine a casino without the good old casino chips. We are so used to them that we can’t even think of a using a different tool to play our favorite casino games with. But do you know where the casino chips originate from? We will present you this information, while you are looking for another casino bonus hunting strategy . The history remembers 1626 as the year when the first legal casino was opened. This happened in the Italian city of Venice. According to some historians though, casino-like entertainment was existing many years before - even during the times of ancient Mesopotamia. But what about the casino chips? Maybe you’d be surprised by this information, but the casino chips were introduced for a first time in China. In the middle of the 19th century the gambling companies started creating casino chips, using mainly clay for molding them. We can say that the casino chips were the ones who paved t...

Casino bonus hunting strategy

Oscars 2020: Predictions Betting on the Oscars is one of the funniest things you can do in this time of the year. This is the most expected ceremony in the world of cinema and the bookies are giving you the chance to make some money of it, too. Let’s see which are the big favourites for 2020 during this casino bonus hunting strategy article for today. According to the experts, Sam Mendes’ war epic “1917” is the big favourite to win the Best Picture prize. This is amazing movie - no doubt and it’s being followed by “Parasite” and “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”. Todd Phillips’ “Joker” was amazing, but most probably it won’t win the Best Picture. Because of his incredible performance as Arthur Fleck in “Joker”, Joaquin Phoenix is the red hot favourite to take the Oscar for Best Actor. According to the bets so far, Adam Driver and Antonio Banderas are going to be his biggest competition for the statute. Best Actress? The bookies believe that Renee Zellweger is in a ...